Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Potty Training and a Visit

Last week Ben just decided he wanted to wear underwear one day and is doing great at potty training ever since. He still won't poop on the potty (he usually asks for a pull-up when he has to go) but he is doing great with peeing. We've only had one or two accidents in almost two weeks.

The day after Ben first decided he was ready for underwear, Nana and Dorothy came for a visit. That morning while we waited for our visitors, I made Ben a potty chart and he got lots of potty practice.

Is there anything cuter that a toddler in underwear?

Here Liv is hanging out with Nana after lunch.

And getting cuddles from Dorothy.


  1. You can tell by the look on your visitor's face that she would die to have Livvie's "rooster Mohawk!"

  2. Congratulations, Ben! What a big boy you are in those briefs! Aunt Jenny is so proud of you!
