Monday, April 8, 2013

Easter Comes to an End

My last Easter-related post. After nap on Sunday, we headed to Nana and Papa's house because the Easter bunny brought baskets for the kids to their house too. Ben and Liv are very spoiled/lucky kids.

Nana picked out this Easter bunny cake for Ben.

Ben's expression in this picture cracks me up. He looks totally over the picture posing thing.

This one looks a little better. Except for Ben's hand placement. And my random side-swept eighties hair. Not sure what is going on there.

Ben was super excited to open more Easter baskets. The Easter bunny brought him even more good stuff. A Thomas bubble toy, a dinosaur, another Pez bunny, a Mickey bath toy, and a turtle stuffed animal. And some "cash money" for his new piggy bank!

Of course Ben took it upon himself to open Liv's basket too. She got diapers (smart bunny), a bath toy, stuffed animals, an outfit, and some "cash money" for her piggy bank too.

Then it was time for dessert. True to form, Ben ate the frosting off his cupcake but was more interested in jelly beans. He and Denise made a train out of jelly beans which was a highlight for Ben. He loves him some Denise. He follows her around whenever he sees her. Thanks Denise for always being so patient with him and willing to play!

We got home too late to try out the Thomas bubble toy, but I promised after school Monday we'd play with it. The weather was a little chilly (high 30s) so we bundled up and went out. Luckily Liv was taking a good nap (after being up ALL day. No joke.) so I left her sleeping in her car seat in the kitchen and just peeked in on her every 5 minutes. She slept the whole time, bless her, while Ben and I played with the new toy and ran around in the fresh air.

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