Monday, September 23, 2013

Train Ride

Ben has been itching for another train ride, so Sunday we obliged. It was Liv's first time on the Metra as well (though she had her first train ride in Vegas).

Liv fell asleep in the car for one of her infamous cat naps. It was a chilly morning (yay, fall!), so we bundled her up. She looks so cozy!

Ben was wide awake and ready to go!

Livvie Lou's cat nap was over just in time to board the train!

All aboard and we were off to Downer's Grove to meet up with Brad and Denise for breakfast and a short visit.

Yes, we do take her out of her car seat occasionally. ;-) She was pretty happy to be on the train, even though she had absolutely no idea what was going on.

Ben's eyes were glued out the window.

There was a little girl to our left, and Liv loved watching her while bouncing on my lap. She knows how to party.

Once we arrived, we put Liv in the Bjorn so she could look around. She loves that thing!

I was too busy eating and chatting to capture any more photos. But a good time was had by all!

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