Saturday, January 7, 2012

Random Moments in Texas

Here are some random shots taken in Texas over Christmas (where alcohol was not involved). Excuse the red eye; I am feeling lazy.

Lily and Ben both LOVE olives. Many cans were emptied during our visit.

Ben loves juice too. A little too much.

Lots of fun playing in the backyard.

 The kids help Mike put the Christmas presents under the tree on Christmas Eve.

 Ben tries out his tricycle on Christmas Eve.

 Bill dutifully puts together the second trike for Lily.

Mike makes his twelfth trip to the store that day. In Snoopy PJ pants and a santa hat. No joke. I wish it were.

Jaimee and Lily make a pumpkin pie for Christmas dessert. I think Lily is wondering where the chocolate chips are...this is not the baking she signed up for. :-)

Lots of reading...

And lots of relaxing...

1 comment:

  1. Poor ole Wrigs and Bailey were the only ones more tired than I was. I wish I hadn't been thru all that moving so I would've been "fresher" and not falling asleep every in the front room. Oh well, there's always next year.
